Thursday, October 16, 2008

Another tag...

Thought this one would be fun for my posterity!Here are the rules:Write 7 random things about yourself.Tag 7 people at the end of your post.Pass on the tag.Here it goes...

1. I love love love my children! I too wanted 10 Jillra, and it broke my heart when my I saw that my life was not going to allow me to have that. Still, I feel the most self worth as a Mom (yes, even though I have made lots of mistakes). Nothing has brought me the joy that I felt raising my children.

2. I love love love my grandchildren! I know everyone knew that was coming. There is nothing like the babies of those children that are yours, only now grown up (and just how did that happen so fast?). I just don't see them often enough, but there is no one I would trust more to take care of them than my own children.

3. I love to be active, I ride my stationary bike ten miles a day, and would do more if I had the time. I also love yoga, but I like to do yoga with Loyce and Bobbi best, not by myself. I love to play volleyball, soccer, baseball, and swim. Some of these things knock everything out of me now, but I still love them. I don't like to watch sports on TV though, I like to play them.

4. I love to create things, flower gardens, quilts, yummy food, and crafts. I like to be able to finish them quickly, so if it takes too long or I can't do it well, I lose interest quickly. There are still tons of things I would like to try, like carving, woodworking, and welding... weird, huh?

5. I love teaching first grade. I love seeing light bulbs turn on while I teach. I love teaching in a school where my students need the stability of a safe environment. I love to make my students feel special, and successful. I hate report cards!

6. I love the Gospel, I have always felt the love of my Savior in my life, even when I did and maybe especially when I made mistakes in my life. The number one thing I 'hope' for in my life is that my family can be together forever in the hereafter.

7. I am a bit of a perfectionist, without having the talent to be perfect. S0 I am constantly frustrated. I am constantly trying to find what it is that I can do, that may be I can do differently and amazingly well. Maybe in the next life... ha!

I tag Bo, Leisa, Loyce, Bobbi, Cyndee, Hydee, and Ryanne

1 comment:

Tom's family said...

This is quite the tag! I am going to do it, I just need some time to decide what I will write!